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Lowongan Kerja PT PANN (Persero)

PT.Pann`s culture is to provide conducive working climate and atmosphere to reach the Company`s objective. PT. PANN has already formulated the Company`s culture which are shared values and behavior guideline/code of conduct that reflect commitment, integrity and caring of all employees to build continuous business partnership.

Divisi Keuangan (KEU)
Diploma Degree in Accounting with 3 years experiences

Divisi Usaha (USH)
Accounting Degrees (S1) or management

Divisi Management (RM)
Degree In Accounting/Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Integrated Risk Management

Divisi Treasury (TR)
Accounting bachelor degrees/management, tax brevet A+B, Banking knowledge, Capital Market Investment, The Securitas Product.

Divisi Administrasi dan Umum (PS)
Law bachelor degrees, tax brevet A+B, Banking knowledge, Labour Laws

Divisi Hukum
Law bachelor degrees, Corporate law aspects, Experienced in litigation and working at legal office(LBH)

Divisi Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Bachelor degree in Accounting/Management/Computer, Marketing research Planning,Banking knowledge

General Requirements:

  • Min GPA 3.0
  • Fluent In english (Written and Oral)
  • Computer Literate
  • Able to create Feasibility Study

If you interested with this jobs, please send your application, CV, State Height and Weight, Recent photograph (3x4), Copy of ID Card, copies of certificate and send not later than April 23, 2010, to PO BOX 3377 Jakarta.

More detail information please refer to our website at below link:



Lowongan Kerja PT PANN (Persero)
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